We've Moved


Our blog had gotten too large, and it was getting to the point where it was difficult to comb through looking for specific posts or information. So we have developed a new blog at SailingVita.ca Come and see whats happening now.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

OMG - I Think We Are Going Cruising!!!

This morning we accepted an offer on our house. We went from no traffic to gone. The offer is conditional, but the conditions are standard and at the risk of jinxing the deal, seem to be no problem. With any luck it will be finalized in about 2 weeks. The offer came in at our bottom line price, but the date of April 29 is what really clinched the deal for us. The weather will be warm by then, and it is two weeks before the boat goes in the water. It also gives us lots of time to sell off all of our stuff, and prepare to move onto the boat.

You can't imagine our excitement. We were so worried that we were going to end up staying another winter. Houses around here just aren't selling that fast. In fact, we are the first house to sell in our subdivision is almost 2 years. Primarily because the houses in here are priced outside of the local neighbourhood, and really need someone from the city who has a little more disposable income.

So now the blog starts to change a little. Before I was mainly concerned about Vita's refit. Lately I have been starting to move into the preparation phase, and now that will take over. Mind you, the refit still needs to be finished, but now its about more than just that, its finally about our new life.

Cross fingers that all goes well......

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