We've Moved


Our blog had gotten too large, and it was getting to the point where it was difficult to comb through looking for specific posts or information. So we have developed a new blog at SailingVita.ca Come and see whats happening now.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sewing, sewing, sewing, and some more sewing

Its been awhile since I made an entry. Not that I haven't been busy, but I haven't spent a lot of time on boat specific stuff. I did finally come up with a final design for the electrical, together with some help from the Bayfield Owners group, Nigel Calder's "Boat Owners Electrical and Mechanical, and a couple hundred hours of internet research. It would be very difficult to put the design up here on the Blog, but I will detail it during the installation, in the next few months. The same goes for the refrigerator, I've got it designed, just need to implement.

So, the curtains for the house are finally all made, and I also put together a maple leaf quilt with the left over material, for the back of the couch. Made a cover for my Kobo (E-Reader). Then I made a dity bag according to Emiliano's "Sailmakers Apprentice", a doubled walled canvas bucket based on the same design, an 11" high bucket, and a drawstring backpack. The point was to get comfortable with sewing again, before tackling the sails. Turns out, a really good idea.

So, now it is on to sails, and I have actually started them, but I'll make another Blog entry for that.

On another note. I am starting to realize that my list of things to do is going to take more time than I have right now. I guess its good that we aren't leaving for another year, that gives me the fall and the following spring to get everything finished up. However, because of my electrical design, I have to make a hard dodger to mount the solar panels on, which means the cockpit add-a-room will have to modified. Add it to the list....

Onto sails....

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