We've Moved


Our blog had gotten too large, and it was getting to the point where it was difficult to comb through looking for specific posts or information. So we have developed a new blog at SailingVita.ca Come and see whats happening now.

Monday, August 12, 2013

10,11, 12, Aug 2013

10 Aug

Uneventful down wind run from Collins Bay to Beaurivage Island. We anchored in 10ft of beautifully clear water, went swimming, visited with our new friends, P & K, and their son and his girlfriend N and A(inside joke). One of the best things about cruising is the new people you meet, its just too bad you can't meet em' all.

11 Aug

Spent an hour circling in the Gananoque Marina waiting for a place to tie up, what a pain. But worth it. We picked up our daughter Ashley, and her boyfriend Chris, did laundry, grocery shopping, beer run, etc.... Before we took the kids out for a little boot around in the boat. The winds were nasty, and the waves sharp, steep, and plentiful. Vita handled it very well with a staysail and a double reefed main. We weren't out long, no need to get the crap beat out of us for fun, we're a cruising boat, not a racing machine. Besides that, we were only trying to give the kids a taste of sailing. We came back in to the same anchorage as the night before, dropped the hook, went swimming, and just hung out for awhile. It was very nice. Then I took the kids for a wet dinghy ride back to Gananoque so they could drive back to Ottawa.

12 Aug

Our first day off. The boat is not moving today, at least not if we can help it. We took a long time getting out of bed, drank coffee, had breakfast, moved very slowly. Had an early morning swim, and experienced our first cockpit shower after we cut each other's hair. Yes, we are true cruisers now. That took until noon, then we dinghied into Gananoque and walked to McDonalds for wifi and a quick little something. And, of course to do a blog update; without pictures, sorry. We'll pick up some groceries, head back to the boat and relax. Maybe complete a couple of boat chores, maybe have a nap, who knows. Tomorrow we are thinking about heading to Cape Vincent, but even that is up in the air. So many choices, and no real reason to go anywhere other than just because. Anyway, just about time to get going. I will at least try to get some pictures before the next post.

Until next time....

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