We've Moved


Our blog had gotten too large, and it was getting to the point where it was difficult to comb through looking for specific posts or information. So we have developed a new blog at SailingVita.ca Come and see whats happening now.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A boat by any other name...

Quick note. Its official, the boat is no longer called "the boat", she will from now on be addressed as "Vita", of Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Step one to leaving the country is complete, even if the trip is slightly delayed. I was so worried that the process of registering her was going to be a real pain, and it ended up being quite the opposite. The Transport Canada clerk was excellent. I am tempted to remove the licence number from her bow now, but we'll see. Still working on the house, boat stuff to resume in a month or so.
